Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Just a completely random thought about Facebook - not sure how many of you are in Facebook but I was uploading pictures from Z's bachelorette party and it got me thinking about how bizarre the Facebook world was. I have to admit that I was sort of addicted to it when I first signed up and it was exhilarating to add friends and watch your numbers go up - but at the same time... who the hell has 458 friends out there? Call me crazy but my REAL social network consists of a pretty close-knit group, a pretty low number that I can easily count on my hands and toes (at best). Or is someone's definition of a friend looser on Facebook than in real life? I'd be first to admit that I have a couple of people in there that probably should've stayed as LinkedIn connections.

Another thing that I find amusing is how it enables you to connect to people that you were pretty close to - whether it was back in college or a partner in crime at a prior job. You send each other a couple of private messages, write on their wall ... "we should definitely hang out" type of messages... multiple times but somehow it just never works out. It's pretty funny, I'm definitely guilty of this one. To me, Facebook is this virtual world that seems harmless enough - so yes, sometimes you go on it to spy on THE ex-boyfriend to see who he finally married but I guess at the end of the day, it's just another way for us to communicate in this crazy not-enough-time for anything world we live in. Does it replace a nice long drink with a long lost pal? No not really, but the fact that I'm able to see pictures of the kids of a guy that I used to sit next to in 7th grade Chemistry back in the day when I had teenage acne and red-rimmed wire glasses is pretty cool!

1 comment:

Mj Reed said...

for me, it'a all about the games...blame it on our neighbors Slade & Janae, Joe & Shannon who nudged us to play yatzee at wee hours..with all our kids in one play room. Besides i'm the leader of smarty pants!!! LOL!