Monday, July 18, 2011



Here they are! These are seriously addictive. If I didn't have so much party planning to do for Em's big day I'd spend all my free time making these :)

As for Emma's 1st Birthday party... we've decided to have two parties (one for family and one for friends). I think this decision might've saved my sanity.


jennifer said...

Love it! And the mini one too! They are addictive!

melissa loves said...

ACK! I waaaaannnnnntt one! ( do I sound like a big enough baby?) Please, please? Can we make one tomorrow night? huh, huh? Can we, can we? :)
LOVE them my friend! You are too good, ya know?

Anonymous said...

ekks now i feel like making myself a dreamcatcher (: thanks for sharing.

Ann Martin said...

Really lovely, Marichelle! They look so graceful and of course I'm drawn to the paper feathers. :)