Thursday, December 4, 2008

Me time?

Lately I've been struggling... I think it's because I just got back from Thanksgiving break and it was so nice to spend time with my family and not have to worry about the house and my blogs for several days. My mind was so occupied with home improvements and the HH holiday zine before I left - I knew that I was spiraling down the all too familiar "overwhelmed" state. So the break came just in time. I think working for yourself is even more stressful, because I don't think we're cut out to allow ourselves to let ourselves down. So it's a constant internal battle. I guess it's a lot easier to tell someone else to go screw themselves.

I do miss the days when I was able to watch the Martha Stewart Show and had the time to just sit and think about what craft project I was going to try next. Don't get me wrong, I love writing my blogs but I definitely miss MAKING things myself. So for Christmas, I decided to make presents this year. Not only for budgetary reasons but for another selfish reason - to fill my recent crafting-cravings. So this year, I'm attempting to make soap. This one is a tea/rice/coconut concoction - that I'm quite happy with! I'm recycling used milk cartons for molds.

Oh and I'm REALLY obsessed with the Twilight series and I'm currently on the second book (less than 1/4 left). I'm aware that it's meant for teens, but since my taste in tv shows skews in that direction, I'm not surprised to find myself in love with Edward Cullen and Alice (my two fave characters) - Hillsy just laughs at me.


lisa said...

Just wondering where you found a way to make homemade soap? I was thinking of doing this for gifts as well, but the process intimidates me a little!

Marichelle said...

thanks Susie I needed some reassurance :)

Lisa - I bought all of my supplies from and Anne Marie the owner has a great blog with tons of info on different recipes to try:

Also, have a look at a Craft 101 piece on HH where I talk about soap making (talks about the different types etc)

Good luck and I hope you give it a try. Oh and this month's Martha Stewart Magazine has great ideas on making scrubs and balms to give away for presents... I'd highly recommend picking up the issue if you haven't yet. Let me know if you need anymore info!

lisa said...

Thanks - that is very helpful. I am going to stop and pick up that magazine after work tonight!