Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Leaky ceiling update

The leak from the ceiling fan officially stopped around noon (thank goodness). However, I did notice new spots of water damage. It's a tad bit worse in person.

So I spent the afternoon as planned - reading and researching about opening up the shop. I'm feeling overwhelmed about the whole thing. There's just so much to look into - just the thought of it overloads my mind. I should do what I'm best at and plan a plan to plan (i think I may already have one tucked away somewhere need to look for it). That way, I have some sort of framework to follow and I don't feel like I need to get everything done at the same time. If anyone knows of a really good accountant and/or lawyer (corp law or something similar), please let me know. If you're friends with one and he/she would be willing to talk to me about a few things (pro bono) - even better. I have so many questions: Is it better to use your own money or take out a loan (what are the implications of each?), what business structure is best (sole proprietory, LLC, etc) for a small boutique? [sighs]

Happy end of hump day!
p.s. the new iMacs look tasty


simplicity is beautiful said...

I like what the couple in did: if the liquor license was denied, the lease agreement was void. Of course lawyers are prohibitively expensive, but depending on your costs and your l.o.b. (and what IS the shop gonna be, anyway?), some deal like that sounds worth investigating.

I am sick of my job and am considering leaving my industry myself, and would love to work with friends (if you want to be my friend) and be a part of something cool, both literally and financially. Not sure how autonomous you are looking to be, but you'd be surprised how malleable I a brit's handshake.

Marichelle said...

It will be a Giftshop that carries an array of merchandise from jewelry, leather goods to letterpress printed cards/stationery - all carefully curated by yours truly to ensure that every piece is both wondrous and unique.

DFTH said...

Whoa princess, stop sign AHEAD!

I want to help you about this giftshop idea. Let's dissect together. Use me brain, abuse me expertise on business marketing, i need to ask what you mean by "wondrous" and "unique" Grab your Helio on the right, Coffee Java on your left and dial my digits!


Marichelle said...

thanks for your enthusiasm, but I'm not quite ready for a detailed dissection.